Title I, part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is a federal program that provides financial assistance to schools to ensure that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to a high-quality education. Orange Title I funds are used to purchase materials, provide professional development, and support students struggling to meet grade-level benchmarks. The goal is to close learning gaps and make sure every child gets the support they need to do well in school. We are including here the Notice of Parents Right-to-Know and the Parent Notification of Student Participation in State Assessments along with our Parent and Family Engagement Policy as part of the requirements for Title I funding.
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Student educational records are protected by federal law and District policy. Each student’s records will be kept in a confidential file located at the student’s school office. Information in student records will be available for review by parents, adult students (18 years of age or older) and authorized District personnel. Parents (or adult students) may request in writing to inspect and review their student’s records by submitting that request to the building principal.
Parents also have the right to inspect upon request student surveys or instructional materials used in the District. Parents can expect to be notified when third-party surveys will be administered, or when significant changes in instructional materials occur. Requests to review surveys or materials can be made to either the building principal or the director of educational programs and instructional services. Parents or students who feel their rights under federal law have been violated (Federal Educational Rights Privacy Act and Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment) should contact the director of educational programs and services to file a written complaint. The District address is 32000 Chagrin Boulevard, Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124. (ref. pol. 2416; 5780; 8330).
School Districts across the state of Ohio are participating in an effort to identify, locate and evaluate all children from birth to 21 years of age who may have disabilities.
Disability, in this instance, means conditions such as: multiple disabilities; hearing, visual, speech and language, and orthopedic impairments; emotional disturbance; cognitive and specific learning disabilities; autism; other health impaired and developmental delay. Public schools have responded vigorously to federal and state mandates requiring the provision of free appropriate public education, regardless of a child’s disability.
The School District will ask for information about the child through interviews, observations, screening and testing. This information may be obtained from the parents and the student, or from other agencies that have information about the student. It will be used to determine whether or not the child has a disability and needs special services.
All information collected will be held in strict confidence and released to others only with special permission or as allowed by law. Parents have the right to review their child’s records, refuse permission to release information (except as required by law) and request that information that they believe to be inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their child’s privacy or other rights be changed. School Districts are interested in meeting the needs of children with disabilities. If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, contact 216-831-8600, ext. 6617 for more information.
In accordance with Federal Law, the Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by students on school grounds, in school or school-approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs includes any alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, dangerous controlled substance as defined by State statute, or substance that could be considered a “look-a-like” controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process and as specified in the student handbooks, up to and including expulsion from school.
When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials. The District is concerned about any student who is a victim of alcohol or drug abuse and will facilitate the process by which s/he receives help through programs and services available in the community. Students and their parents should contact the school principal or counseling office whenever such help is needed.
The Orange School District receives funds for IDEA-B and ECSE programs from the federal government each year. These funds provide for instructional and support supplies, equipment and contracted services for special needs students, and travel/workshops for Special Education staff. For the 2023-2024 school year, the Orange School District received a total of $757,979.26 from these two grants to spend on special services.
The Orange School District also received Title I funds for the 2023-2024 school year in the amount of $211,404.90. These funds were used to provide supplemental tutoring in reading and math to students in grades one through three who scored in the lower third on academic assessments.
The Ohio Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC) is an excellent resource for information and assistance to parents. The Center can be reached by calling 1-800-686-1738 or by visiting www.ohiopirc.lys.org. Title I funding requires parental input on funding areas, parental involvement, curricular planning and evaluation of the program. During the year, parents of Title I students are surveyed regarding these areas. However, should parents have any additional information to share, call the director of curriculum Mrs. Sheli Amato at 216-831-8600 ext. 6619. Parents may also request from Mrs. Amato information related to Title I curriculum or teacher certification. All teachers who provide instruction through Title I meet highly-qualified certification requirements.
Director of Human Resources Dr. Paul M. Lucas
Director of Business & Operations Mr. Ted Roseberry
Availability of Asbestos Management Plan and Update of Activities