All students will take their Chromebooks home for the summer. So, take good care of them. Kindergarteners and First Graders will bring home their Chromebooks and charging cords for the summer. For summer Chromebook repairs, contact Therese Nemeckay at or call Therese at 216-839-1085. Email is preferred. For summer tech questions, email Eddie Evans at
Students can get to the Chromebook Start Page by going to this address: Students can go to their Clever page by going to the Chromebook Start Page and clicking on the Clever Icon (Big white C on a blue background). These two pages provide links to the tools students will be using.
Student Accounts and School Work: Students should only use their school accounts for school work. Students should always be logged in to their school accounts when doing school work. Never use your school Google account for personal online communication or to sign up for personal use websites.
Here at Moreland Hills we are committed to the engaging and safe use of technology. Please take a look at our Technology Supervision and Safety document.
Be Technology Safe! Never share personal information online. Never share your passwords (except with parents and teachers). When you are online make sure you treat people the way you want to be treated. If anything online makes you uncomfortable tell a parent, teacher, or trusted adult immediately. Check out SafeKids.Com.