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Staff Development

Staff Development - Technology

At the Orange City Schools the goal of our Technology Integration Academies is to assist teachers to integrating technology with curriculum, and support all staff members as they use technology in their daily tasks. Academies are held at various times during the summer and school year. Online academies offer graduate credit opportunities.   

New Employee Academy

Open to: All new district employees.
Time Commitment: This session is offered during new employee induction week at the beginning of the school year.
Professional Development Units: None

The Orange Schools technology network is an important part of an employees' day-to-day activities, student work, and district communication. This session will provide information about the Technology Department, structure of district network, email and network folders, and resources/opportunities available for all staff. Upon completion of this session, network and email accounts will be activated and the new employee will be able to access the Orange network. 

Foundations Academy

Open to: All district employees.
Time Commitment: Varying times and opportunities.
Professional Development Units: Opportunity to document training as part of an Individual Professional Development Plan.

Description: Staff development will be offered in varying formats:

1) Workshops/Classes
Announcements for scheduled classes will be sent at the beginning of each semester. Simply reply to the email announcement and mark your calendar!

2) One-to-One Inservice/Support
Need help with technology integration? Our Technology Coaches will assist with lesson planning, support instruction, and provide basic troubleshooting help. Email one of the Technology Coaches within your building.

3) PD Time
PD time is professional development time scheduled within your building. Times and days will be announced.


Technology Integration Specialists / Librarians 
Eddie Evans Grades K-5 MHS ext. 4115
Erin Cingel Grades 9-12 OHS ext. 2007
Betsey Lee Grades 6-8 BMS ext. 3317
Alison Lyon Grades 9-12 OHS ext. 2134