Posted Date: 04/29/2024
STARTING SUMMER 2024, grocery benefits will be available to eligible families with school-age children during summer break.
Dear Orange Schools Families,
If the children in your household are currently receiving Free or Reduced meals at Orange Schools - they will automatically be eligible for a new program called Summer EBT (Sun Bucks). This summer program will help families buy food during the summer when school is out. Your children will automatically be enrolled in the program, so you do not need to complete an application.
If your children are not currently receiving free or reduced meals - a new meal application can be completed to determine your eligibility through July 31st, 2024.
Each family will receive $120 for each eligible school age child on a card that you can use to buy food during the summer at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other authorized retailers. Summer EBT (SUN Bucks) will be mailed to you or loaded on your current EBT card in June. Not all children will receive the benefit card on the same day. If you receive duplicate cards or more than $120 per eligible child in your household, do not use the benefits.
If your address has changed this year, MAKE SURE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS IS ON FILE WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT SO THAT YOUR CHILD RECEIVES THIS BENEFIT AT YOUR CURRENT HOME. You can check FinalForms and update any information needed. If your child's Summer EBT is sent to the wrong address - the state will not be replacing those cards starting this summer.
If you are eligible but do not wish to participate in Summer EBT (SUN Bucks) contact Cindy Workman SNS, Food Service Supervisor at 216-831-8600 ext 2261.
In addition to Summer EBT/SUN Bucks any children under 18 years of age in your household can also receive free meals during the summer at a summer meal site. Be looking for more information on those local summer meal sites in the weeks to come.
Cindy Workman SNS
Food Service Supervisor
Orange Schools
216-831-8600 ext 2261