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Message from Dr. Campbell Regarding Travel, Quarantine, Mask, REME

Posted Date: 06/02/2022


A Message from Dr. Campbell

January 7, 2021

Dear Orange Families,

Happy New Year! I am excited to embark on 2021. As our January 11th return to in-person hybrid learning approaches, please note the following:


Travel Guidance - Per CDC and ODH travel guidance, it is highly recommended that families self-quarantine for 14 days if you traveled to certain destinations and/or participated in activities (mass gatherings, public transportation, etc.) that may put you and your children at higher risk of COVID-19 transmission. Please read the links above and contact your child’s school if this applies to you so we can determine your date of return. Please note that the District is still maintaining the 14 day quarantine period, unless a healthcare provider provides documentation clearing an individual for a return that is less than 14 days

Quarantine Guidance - The District will maintain the 14 day quarantine period and six foot distance rule at this time. Governor DeWine recently announced a relaxed stance on quarantine guidelines for classroom close contacts. Citing data from a pilot of several districts, the premise of the change is that as long as schools are requiring “masks/distancing” protocols, then close contacts do not need to be quarantined if said close contact occurred in classrooms. This may have an impact on schools that have policies that result in mass quarantines of entire classrooms over a case, but procedures like ours are not really impacted by this change. At this point, our hybrid model will still have seating at a distance of six feet. Furthermore, the state still requires all close contacts to be traced and reported to the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH). So, if for some reason a close contact occurs, we will continue to quarantine. Governor DeWine also recently spoke to revised ODH quarantine options for shortened durations.  Again, please note that the District is still maintaining the 14 day quarantine period. If the CCBH recommends a shortened quarantine duration, we will update families before any change occurs

Mask Policy Reminder - Staff and students must comply with the district’s mask policy for the safety of all.  In brief, cloth masks (gaiters are not permitted) should remain in place, covering your nose and mouth, any time you are in a work space with any other person (student or colleague) or when you are in a common space in the building (hallways, restrooms, offices, media center, etc.).

  • Masks should not be pulled away from the face nor removed when speaking (this includes when speaking to students who are joining the class remotely if there are other people present in your classroom).
  • Masks should not fall below the nose when you are speaking.  If this happens, please use a different mask or adjust it so it fits properly.
  • Mask breaks are not permitted when in a work space with any other person (student or colleague).
  • Students and staff may briefly move the mask away from their mouth for the purpose of taking a drink.
  • Staff members and students may remove the mask for the purpose of eating lunch and are permitted to eat lunch with colleagues if they so choose.

Also, here is a brief CDC video to support mask wearing. Thanks for complying to help keep us all safe

REME Halo Air Purification Update - As discussed at the last general BOE meeting and subsequently approved at a December special session, this UV lighting with ionization technology has been installed in each of our school buildings and Transportation with the Art Center, Senior Center and Central Office to follow over the next couple weeks. These devices have been proven to mitigate against bacteria and viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, offering one more layer of mitigation to keep us all as safe as possible. However, it is still essential for us all to maintain our mask, distancing and hand hygiene practices as having multiple layers of mitigation strategies is most effective

Vaccination Update - School employees have been included in Phase 1B of the vaccination plan for Ohio. Governor DeWine announced today that school employees might begin receiving vaccines as early as February 1st. As of now, we do not have any more dissemination information, but we will share details as they become available

This is a good time for everyone to remember to assess your child’s health, each and every day before sending them to school. Remember, it takes all of us working together to keep in-person learning possible. Please contact your child’s principal with any questions.
Dr. Lynn Campbell

Published on 1/7/2021