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District Hybrid Learning Update

Posted Date: 06/02/2022

Dear Orange Families,

Today, I am happy to announce that collaboration with Orange Teachers Association (OTA) leaders continues to go well. OTA leaders confirmed their strong desire to get back into the classrooms with kids. Collaboration is positive and productive, and we continue to work together to find consensus on addressing concerns related to in-person return so we can reach our common goal of getting kids back in the classrooms. 

On Monday, all teachers and staff will report to campus to deliver remote instruction from their classrooms while we work together to meet the above mentioned common goal. As you know, Cuyahoga County met 6 of the 7 indicators according to the Ohio Public Health Alert System, and may likely “go purple” on October 29, 2020. Therefore:

  • We will not have kids back on campus October 26 - October 30, 2020.
  • When we transition to our hybrid in-person plan, student schedules change and many elementary students will have to change teachers. While this is known and has been communicated, it would be a disservice to kids to make this change just to revert back to full remote instruction if we are at Level 4, purple
  • If we are not at the purple level when the alert is updated on October 29, 2020, we will implement our Hybrid Model of instruction, commencing Monday, November 2nd

We will continue to track, monitor and study countywide as well as local zip code information from the CCBH. We will also monitor school dashboards for reported cases for staff and students. These information sources, in conjunction with the state color coded system will provide us information as we move ahead, allowing us to make “real time” decisions in the future about when to be fully remote versus in-person. It is important to note that I am proud of all of the hard work of our teachers and staff, and I am confident in both our remote and in-person hybrid models. Neither model is perfect for everyone, but we will deliver both as safely and as well as anyone. I am confident in that!

In closing, we endeavor to get kids back in-person soon, and we will update you accordingly. Thanks for your patience, and in the meantime, please wear a mask, keep your distance, and stay safe!


Dr. Lynn Campbell


Published on 10/23/2020