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In-person, Remote Hybrid Plan Set for Oct 19

Posted Date: 06/02/2022

Dear Orange Schools Families,

I am excited to announce the decision to implement our in-person/remote learning hybrid plan beginning the second quarter, October 19, 2020, as long as the county COVID-19 designation does not return to Level 3, "red."  If on Friday, October 16th the county is at Level 3, we will remain in full remote learning the week of the 19th, reassessing from there. As you know, the full remote option remains available for those who desire to have their children continue virtually. With about 100 responses still out, we stand at 29.6% of our student body remaining in remote learning. 

We have a lot of information for your perusal at this point. Please visit our website to review the family and staff expectations as well as health and safety procedures. In the days ahead, the principals will be sharing building-specific logistics for parents as well, answering more detailed questions you may have. To that end, be sure to join me and the principals for a question and answer session via Zoom this Thursday, October 8 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Zoom link will be shared with you soon. 

Finally, the administrative team is working on a transition plan for staff to come in and prepare for the in-person return of students. Walking through procedures from drop-off and pick-up, to familiarizing themselves with desk sanitizing and hallway traffic expectations, staff members will need time to acclimate and prepare for kids gracing the halls. We also have new audiovisual tools to help maximize remote learning, which require time for teachers to set up and practice with. Details about transition time are forthcoming. 

I have shared many times that we will continue to provide the best education possible, as safely as possible. As we make this transition to a blended in-person model, there will be an adjustment period. However, I am confident that our staff will respond as they have to this point, adjusting and continuously improving as we move ahead. Thanks, again for your flexibility, understanding and support in these trying times. I look forward to the next steps!


Lynn Campbell


Published on 10/5/2020