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Remote Learning Survey Summary

Posted Date: 06/01/2022

Dear Team Orange,

As you know, we recently disseminated a parent survey for feedback about the District’s implementation of remote learning as a response to COVID-19. The survey was taken by nearly 600 respondents, representing more than 800 students! The overall rating on a 1-4 scale, with 4 being the best, was reassuring, with 74% of the responses being a 3 or a 4. Furthermore, we received a lot of feedback with recommendations for both reinforcing and refining our work.

After perusing and analyzing these comments, I have created a list below of what I'm calling “threads” for key takeaways from results based on the comments given. Of special note is the appreciation for the work of our teachers and administrators. Whether giving a rating of a 1 or 4, the respondents were generally appreciative of the work that is occurring as a response for this situation that was cast upon us. 

  • Face-to-face experiences for students: There were nearly 200 references to face-to-face or “live” contact between teachers and students. Zoom and Google Hangout Meets were mentioned in two ways: those who are experiencing them with their teachers are appreciative, and those who are not are wanting to
    • Takeaway: There is a desire for every teacher to find a way to connect with each of their classes, beyond Help Lab, Pride, We Connect or any check-ins
  • Communication: There were more than 100 references concerning communication needs. While there were positive comments about communication and parents appreciating coffee chats with principals and informative emails and videos, there were some areas of concerns as well
    • Takeaway: Keep the informative emails and chats coming, keeping parents in the loop
    • Takeaway: Google Classroom implementation needs to be more open to parents (as much as possible) and it needs to be rolled out in a more standardized way, no matter which teacher or grade level. Parents are seeking consistency
    • There were too many emails coming from too many places at first, and keeping track of the “stream” versus “classwork” creates confusion, while feedback is still very important and desired
    • Parents desire a “one-stop-shop” or centralized place to find most or all assignments with a strong desire to know for sure when assignments were received (checklist of sorts). 
  • Quality of Instruction: While nothing truly matches the classroom experience, and we were not built to be an online school, we are striving to provide a quality experience
    • Takeaway: Videos are appreciated, and “live” teacher contact for both instruction and social purposes (as noted above) are also appreciated 
    • While rigor is important, we also need to be mindful of workload and balance
    • Small group Hangouts are valued and seem to be having a successful impact. While true for all, this has been well received by students with special needs
    • Takeaway: There is a general spirit of continuous improvement as time has gone by, with a general theme that the District is steadily improving with all of the above. That being said, there were some suggestions to end early and/or thinking of allowing kids to opt-out

    Thank you again to those who took the survey. Your input is valuable. This survey feedback will help us as we plan ahead to continuously improve the remote learning experience for our students.

    My best to you and your family,

    Dr. Lynn Campbell


Published on 4/29/2020