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Student Medication Pickup 4-20-20

Posted Date: 06/01/2022

Dear Orange Schools Families,

We hope this message finds you and your family members safe at home.

The District Nurses would like to offer you a time to pick up your child's medication(s) during the school campus closure. This is for all children who attend OIP, MHS, BMS and OHS.  Medications can be picked up on Monday, April 20th, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and again from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. curbside at Moreland Hills Elementary School

We will be adhering to ODH/CDC social distancing guidelines and ask that you stay in your car and pull up to the curb. Medication(s) will be handed to you with gloved hands through the passenger window or can be placed in the trunk of your car. 

If your child(ren) will continue to need medications for school next year, please use the link below to find the appropriate form on the Health Services webpage. Medications must be provided to the school in their original container and labeled with the student's name, medication name, dosage, and expiration date.

Health Services Webpage

Thank you for trusting us with the care of your child.

Be Well.

Orange Schools Nurses