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Orange Schools has Policies in Place Regarding Vaping

Posted Date: 05/31/2022

As reported recently in the local media, vaping among teenagers continues to rise and school districts across the state have implemented policies and discipline procedures to help address this matter. Some of you have inquired how the Orange Schools handles these situations, so we would like to address that here.

What is vaping?
Vaping, also known as JUULing, is the act of inhaling and exhaling a vapor, which is produced by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other vaping devices. The e-cigarettes are battery powered and deliver nicotine through a liquid, which turns into a vapor.

The liquid is available in a variety of flavors in order to attract customers. There are flavors that taste like fruit, candy, ice cream and peppermint among many others. In some cases, marijuana oil can be found in vape-ready cartridges.

Many vaping devices are easy to detect, but many are not. The devices are often disguised to look like computer thumb drives or other small ordinary objects (pens for example).

Does the Orange School District have policies and procedures in place to address vaping?
Yes. The code of conduct policies and procedures regarding alcohol, smoking and drugs, including vaping, are outlined in the student handbooks and in Board policy.

Orange also provides educational opportunities and student support groups on substance usage, including vaping.

When a student is caught vaping or with vaping materials, how are they disciplined?

  • First offense -10-day suspension, reduced to 5 with participation in drug assessment by a social worker
  • Second offense - 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion
  • Third offense - 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion
    (we have never gotten to a third offense)

We encourage parents and students to review the District’s code of conduct policy regarding this matter, which can be found in the student handbooks. Please contact the schools for any further concerns or questions. Thank you.

Published on 11/1/2018