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Good Luck Janie - Selected as Wendy's Heisman State Finalist

Posted Date: 05/31/2022

wendyCongratulations & Good Luck to Janie Boyle on being selected as a 2018 National Wendy's Heisman State Finalist! Winners will be announced 11/7/18. #golions #SeeingOrange

To apply, students must be graduating with the class of 2019, have a cumulative high school grade point average of a B (3.0) or better, participate in at least one of the 47 sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee and/or the National Federation of State High School Association and be a leader in his/her school and community. 

State Finalists will continue to compete for the chance to become State Winners, National Finalists or National Winners. State Winners receive a $500 college scholarship, National Finalists receive a $1,000 college scholarship and the male and female National Winners receive a $5,000 college scholarship and trip to New York City to attend the Heisman Trophy Trust’s annual college Heisman award broadcast on Saturday, December 8, 2018.

Wendy's Heisman: Like the Heisman Memorial Trophy ® , Wendy’s believes in the pursuit of athletic and academic excellence with integrity. Since 1994, Wendy’s and the Heisman Trophy Trust have been running the same play to perfection: honoring more than 600,000 of the nation’s most esteemed students. Our partnership succeeds because we share a common set of values wherein going above and beyond is the norm. We want to honor students who do the same and profile their stories of perseverance to inspire the tomorrow’s senior class. 

Published on 10/31/2018