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2018 State Report Card Results Released

Posted Date: 05/31/2022

Dear Orange Schools Families,

The Ohio Department of Education recently released its 2018 Ohio School Report Cards, which is one of a number of data sources used to measure student growth in public school districts. We are proud of our students and staff for their efforts on these rigorous assessments. At Orange Schools, our results clearly demonstrate both our strengths and our opportunities for continuous improvement. 

2017-18 Results for Orange Schools:

  • DISTRICT Grade: B
  • Moreland Hills School: A
  • Brady Middle School: A
  • Orange High School: B

2017-18 District-level grades and measures:

  • Progress (Value Added): A 
  • Achievement: B 
  • Gifted Indicator: A (MET)
  • Gap Closing: A 
  • Graduation Rate: A
  • Improving At-Risk K-3 Readers: C
  • Third Grade Reading Guarantee: 100% MET
  • Prepared for Success: B

Now that the state report card results are available, our staff is enthusiastically working to examine the data and we will continue to provide you with additional information that recognizes our strengths and addresses our challenges.  Additional information on our school results is available on the ODE website.

Our community places a high value on public education. Your school district expects students to succeed at high levels on all assessments, and the state test results are just one benchmark that we will use to guide our improvement in order to provide the quality and rigor that our students deserve and our community expects. 

Thank you for your continuous support and partnership for your Orange Schools.


Dr. Lynn Campbell
Orange City School District

Published on 9/14/2018